Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More Music, More Gratitude

Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude!! That is all I am feeling today. My piano teacher is just... amazing. That's the only word I can think of! A-maz-ing. True story. And today, when I was driving home from my piano lesson, the Spirit overcame me and I was so full of gratitude for the time my teacher is taking to teach me. He is limited in his time to only be able to teach a few students. I feel so blessed to be one of those students! He is such a devoted teacher and I know he is the key to helping me accomplish my goals. I LOVE IT! :D Hopefully I will be able to blow everyone's brains with my awesome music talents ;) Teh heh... Not really. But I am getting better! And more confident. I know I have a gift, and I know I need to share it, and use it to help share the Gospel. What better way to share the Gospel then through the Spirit? (Is there any other way? O.o) I'm excited to work towards composing music through the Spirit and strengthening my talents. :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Trials and Gratitude

Trials come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. And they can hurt.. All I know is I have amazing people in my life who love and care for me enough to help me in those hard times.

#1 is my Heavenly Father and my Savior. They are always there, knowing what pain i'm in. I know I can turn to them for love, comfort and guidance, always.

 #2 is my Mother. :) Who doesn't love their mother? She is so amazing and I couldn't ask for a better Mom. I want to be like her when I grow up. She cares and I know it. THANK YOU, MOM!

#3 is my Mother. Hehe My second mom. My mother-in-law, Deb. She always knows exactly what to say to feed my squishy, blue heart, especially when it's aching. She is always there for me. THANK YOU, DEB!

#4 is my friend from work, Hollie. She is just awesome. She always knows how to make me laugh and I know I can confide in her. THANK YOU, HOLLIE!