Friday, November 9, 2012

Hello blogging world!

Well.... It really has been forever since I last posted. I've just been too busy with piano practicing I guess. ;)

Brennan and I are doing well. Loving life and all it has to offer. I love being married to my best friend. :)

I am starting to REALLY understand music. I thought I was before, but now I am really starting to see how it all works. It's so complex, yet so simple. I LOVE IT. My piano teacher has really brought me to a whole new level and I couldn't thank him enough.

Random time. It's snowing!!! :D And I'm happy happy happy. I love the snow. I love the warm feelings that come with being around family during the Winter holidays. Yay for snow. And yay for family!! *sigh* I have the best family to ever exist. Including my in-laws. I am just one blessed girl.