Friday, January 27, 2012


*Sigh* I think I need to vent a little bit. Well... not necessarily vent, but just spill some things out. I am VERY overwhelmed at this moment in my life. I have an AMAZING mentor who is helping me get myself out there with Music Therapy. He is SO successful and smart! Yes, I do feel like a little child sitting at his feet. But half the things he talks about goes completely over my head. I have to ask him to clarify many things just because I am no where near his level. Maybe i'm just feeling...stupid. I don't know really.

I'm starting to wonder where I really want to go in life. I want to impact peoples lives and make a difference with music, but I want to be a good mother and wife as well. And to do both really well is going to kill me. So where do I really want to go with my music? Maybe Music Therapy isn't quite the right path for me? I feel so confused and scattered right now. I think a Temple trip is in order. That always helps things. I'm so thankful for my Heavenly Father to help me and direct me in these times. I know when i'm unsure or confused about decisions in my life, I can turn to him for guidance and direction. It's crazy to think that there are people out there who don't believe in a higher power at all. My question for them is HOW??? How do they survive this life without prayer? Without involving Christ and our Heavenly Father? I could not do it. How blessed we are to have that guidance in our life!

Well this post took a complete turn. ;) Hopefully you enjoy the ride. It's a bit bumpy. ;) Haha...


  1. If it makes you feel any better, concerning the first part, I've felt that way about ANYTHING I've ever tried or felt passionately about.

    Rebecca A.

    1. A little better... Just to know i'm not the only one. :)

